Hey dudes, I've been super busy getting stuff ready for the Alt Press Fest (happening July 7 at the SLC Main Library! Come visit me!), so I haven't made a lot of new stuff lately. Here are some leftover things from May.
These next ones are from this rad event that Cool Jon and I have been going to called Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School. Basically, it's figure drawing in a bar with a monthly theme. In May, it was demon-themed. Here's one that Jon and I collaborated on.
And here's a weird one with prominently displayed nipples.
As for the Alt Press Fest, I'm gonna have two new zines (one that is strictly drawings that no one else has ever seen--neat!) and a few copies of my ewok zine Yub Nub for sale. I'll also be selling some zines from my homie Sam and hopefully a few other friends as well. It's gonna be awesome. I'm pretty excited. Please come.